Make a blog

Posted on December 22, 2017 • 1 min read • last modified 2018-01-01 22:27:42-08:00

In late December 2017, I went down the rabbit hole of investigating static site generators in general, and markdown blog generators specifically.

Write some markdown

There are an absurd number of good candidates at this point, but eventually I settled on Pelican, mostly because I miss writing Python from time to time. The plugin ecosystem seems to have good enough solutions for a large number of common blog-related integrations.

Deploy it for "free"

I pay for my email provider for a variety of reasons, one of which is the integrated file storage. Fastmail doesn't support https so I decided to use Cloudflare's free CDN plan. The stack for this blog includes:

  • Cloudflare for https CDN
  • Fastmail to host the files via http
  • CSS from this theme
  • Pelican to generate the html
  • rsync the html to a davfs mount